This course isn’t currently in our schedule, it may be available as a private class via Group Booking. Make a course enquiry or visit our group booking page for details.
Lockets offer a wonderful format for learning new techniques. Technically, they call upon a set of skills that are challenging and rewarding. Mastery of these construction techniques will help develop confidence in your making skills.
The basic construction allows adaptation of the design. As the designer you will have the opportunity to create a unique locket using either silver or a stone as the front cover.
This course will take you through the whole process from design through to full construction in step by step demonstrations.
As the whole class is focused on this project it’s a great shared learning opportunity. This is an excellent project for perfecting advanced soldering methods as well as developing precision in cutting and measuring.
This Improver course develops your silver jewellery making skills further after completing one of our beginner terms. This course is also a good option if you have attended courses elsewhere and have a good foundation in silver jewellery making. You will need to know how to anneal and solder confidently. Contact us if you have any questions regarding your skill level.
Sundries such as solder and saw blades are included in the course fees. Metals, findings and a variety of stones are available for purchase at the school or feel free to bring your own to work with.
Cost of course materials can vary based on amount required and fluctuations in market prices.
As a general guide, materials for a single day silver course with semi-precious gemstones are usually between £20-£45. Costs of materials for a full term using silver are usually around £40-£70.
As a student you are responsible for your own safety in the workshop. The most important things to remember are;
A more comprehensive guide to workshop safety can be found in our Workshop Guidelines pdf.
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