

Earring Making Workshop

incl materials
Course type Taster
Nerissa Parker Jewellery Designer
Nerissa Parker, Class tutor
Course Starting Dates

This course isn’t currently in our schedule, it may be available as a private class via Group Booking. Make a course enquiry or visit our group booking page for details.

Course Overview

Earring Making Workshop

Learn how to make a beautiful pair of silver earrings with semi-precious gemstone bead detail.

Duration: 3 hours

Our earring making workshop is a perfect introduction to try working in silver and discover traditional jewellery making techniques.

In this 3 hour class you will make a beautiful pair of silver earrings with a gemstone bead detail ready to wear. To complete the final piece you’ll learn how to form silver, create surface texture and use wire working techniques to enable you to create the bead detail. We teach you how to safely use a range of jewellery making tools including a soldering torch, pliers and create surface texture using texturing hammers.

No prior jewellery making experience is necessary to enrol on this class, complete beginners are welcome!

Our friendly, relaxed taster classes offer a gentle introduction to silver jewellery making, perfect for beginners. If you’re new to jewellery making and unsure about committing to a full-term course, a taster class is a great way to explore working with silver and see if it’s for you.

Who Should Attend?

Student Ability Level

This course is suitable for beginners. No previous experience making jewellery is necessary to enrol on this course.

Student Age Guidelines

All students attending classes or workshops at Kingham Jewellery School must be 18 or over unless otherwise stated in the course information.

The minimum age for students attending group bookings is school year 11, 15-16 years of age provided they are accompanied by fee paying adults. We do not offer group bookings for under 18’s unless at least 1 fee paying responsible adult attends the class.

Workshop Materials

All course materials are included in the course fees to make a single pair of silver earrings with a semi-precious gemstone bead detail.

Workshop Safety

As a student you are responsible for your own safety in the workshop. The most important things to remember are;

  • Please listen to directions from your tutor to ensure you know how to use all the equipment safely and correctly.
  • Do not operate equipment you do not know how to use.
  • Covered footwear is required and absolutely no high heels.
  • Tie back long hair when using motorised equipment.
  • Please respect others and don’t interrupt students who are soldering, using the drill or any other equipment that could create a safety concern if the operator is distracted.
  • Remember to take all your belongings with you when you leave.
  • Please leave all unnecessary personal items at home.

You will need to bring

  • Your own apron, to protect your clothes.
  • Packed lunches are recommended if your class runs for a full day.

Please do not attend the workshop if

  • You feel unwell.

A more comprehensive guide to workshop safety can be found in our Workshop Guidelines pdf.

Group Booking

Make it your event

Group booking options are available for this course. Costs start at £225 excluding materials for a small group.

Submit a group booking enquiry or head over to our Group Booking page for more details.

Although this course isn’t currently timetabled it is still available as a group booking.

Group Booking Enquiry

Hello, how may we contact you?

We keep your personal information private and use it strictly for communications regarding your group booking enquiry only.

Tell us more about your group

Please confirm all members of your group meet the required age limit.

The minimum age for students attending group bookings is school year 11, 15-16 years of age provided they are accompanied by fee paying adults. We do not offer group bookings for under 18’s unless at least 1 fee paying responsible adult attends the class.

Group bookings are for a maximum of 8 students. Don’t know your group size yet? Select Unsure.

Please tell us a bit about your event

If you have a specific date in mind you can enter this information in the next step.

Anything else to add to your enquiry?

Do you have any specific requirements for your class? If you selected Bespoke Class let us know more about what you have in mind. If not you can skip this step.

All set? Need to go back and change something?

When you’re ready please confirm you’re happy to accept emails regarding your group booking and tap send.

You should receive a confirmation email once we receive your enquiry. Don’t see it it your inbox? Please check your junk mail folder.

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Enquiry: Earring Making Workshop

Have a question about this course? Fill out the form and we’ll respond as soon as possible. We’ll send an automatic confirmation email once we receive your enquiry.

Register Interest: Earring Making Workshop

If you would like to know when new dates are added for this course please submit your details below.